Monday 12 February 2018

Buy MY Hep 400mg Tablet : Uses, Price, Side Effects

Buy MY Hep 400mg Tablet

MyHep contains the active ingredient Sofosbuvir. It is a generic brand of anti-viral medication used to treat Hepatitis C virus. MyHep is manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals. Sofosbuvir can help the immune system and the liver recover from an Hepatitis C infection.

What is ethambutol?

Ethambutol is an antibiotic that prevents growth of the tuberculous bacteria in the body. Ethambutol is used to treat tuberculosis (TB), and is usually given together with at least one other tuberculosis medicine. Ethambutol may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

What is the most important information I should know about ethambutol?

Ethambutol can cause serious vision problems or irreversible vision loss. You may not be able to take this medicine if you have an eye problem or vision disorder.


MyHep (Sofosbuvir) is mostly prescribed for the treatment of Hepatitis C and can treat genotypes 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Hepatitis C. It is to be taken along with other medications in combination. These other medications are usually ribavirin (for all four genotypes) and pegylated interferon (for genotypes 1 and 4).

Dosage and Administration

MyHep (Sofosbuvir) will be prescribed for a period of 12 weeks in most cases for genotypes 1,2 and 3. For genotype 4 the treatment period is usually 24 weeks. You may be instructed differently by your doctor and should follow their advice as these are only guidelines. If you are taking ribavirin and/or pegylated interferon, these should be taken for the same length of time. It is advised to take the medicines at the same time, and to do so at the same time each day. If you take MyHep in the morning it can help to reduce associated sleeping disorders, and if you take it with food it can help reduce nausea.

Sofosbuvir is usually prescribed at a dosage of 400mg. Depending on your weight, the genotype of Hepatitis C Virus that has been contracted, and other factors determined by your doctor, you may be prescribed a different dosage. Only take the dosage that has been prescribed by your doctor. Dosage could be increased to 600 mg per day depending on how treatment is progressing. Do not adjust the dosage by yourself. Your doctor will advise you if you need to adjust your dosage based on testing.

Side effects

MyHep (Sofosbuvir) is well tolerated by the majority of people. It is common to experience some nausea and insomnia, especially when starting to take sufosbuvir. You can reduce the severity of these side effects by taking MyHep with food (for nausea) and taking your dose in the morning (for insomnia).

Sofosbuvir could reduce your red blood cell count. Regular blood tests can ensure that these levels remain within normal limits.
Liver function can be affected by taking MyHep (Sofosbuvir). Any patients with a history of pre-existing liver problems should not use this Sofosbuvir. Liver function tests should be taken on a regular basis while treating Hepatitis C with Sofosbuvir.

If you experience severe diarrhea, changes to heart rate or breathing difficulties while taking sofosbuvir, let your doctor know immediately.

Fore more Details : Buy MY Hep 400mg Tablet


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